YasenKrasen Session Stats Mod For WoT
Category: | Mods for World of Tanks |
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YasenKrasen mod for World of Tanks is a compact and convenient tool that helps players to manage their account balance efficiently (like WN8 in battle mod). It has two main advantages:
- It is really compact. Although the mod provides tons of useful information it does not really change much. No new sounds, no animations, just some textures and a couple lines of code (due to this minor changes it will not conflict with your favourite mods, feel free to install YasenKrasen mod with any other tools)
- It does not really have any great analouges. YasenKrasen mod is the only one, giving this kind info.
Now when you understand what the pluses of this modification are, let us take a closer look at changes it brings in the gameplay.
First of all, player gets the most accurate info about income and expenses after the battle. Mod calculates following things: the amount of silver and experience gained, the amount of the experience the crew got, silver that was spent on ammo and reparation. After summarizing one can see the pure income (check screenshots for more info)
Secondly, YasenKrasen Mod for WoT calculates how effective the session was, showing the info of total income of silver and experience and winrate per session. It has the in-game info section consisting of colored messages and expected income.
How to install YasenKrasen mod for WoT
Download mod and extract to your ‘World of Tanks’ folder, replacing the existing files.
Do you have any questions about how to download YasenKrasen mod? Want to share your impressions after using this mod? Have you met any other mods like this one in the net? Feel free to share your opinion in the comment section. We will answer as soon as possible.