OMC Modpack

omc modpack
Category: ModPacks for World of Tanks
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Hey guys! If you are looking for modification that will be both functional and easy to use and install – OMC Modpack for World of Tanks is exactly what you need. It has been developed by OMC programmers team, the team that consists of professional programmers who play World of Tanks. So they understand what an average player needs and know how to make this real.

How to install OMC Modpack

So, let us take a closer look at what OMC Modpack for World of Tanks is, and where to download it. The first thing you need to know about it is, that it is a classical modpack. OMC`s installer is unique, it was developed specially for this team. Using that is not hard, but still check this one

Install OMC ModPack

Now, when you know how to launch the installation process, what you get after installing OMC mod WoT.

  • eXtended Visualisation Mod. Everyone knows what XVM is. OMC modpack has however some options to offer. Using it one can get different XVM configuratinos (for example Jimbo`s XVM, Grumpelumpf`s XVM)
  • HD minimaps. Improved minimaps provide better understanding about what is happening on the battlefield. It is especially useful on maps which have lots of buildings.
  • Damokle`s Crosshair + Server crosshair. A great combination of two popular crosshair modifications. Damokle`s Sword gives all the details required while server crosshair enables unlimited zoomout.
  • Damage indicator and damage panels. Although the classical in-game options are not bad, they do not give everything a player needs. OMC WoT Modpack decides this problem completely (check the screenshots)
  • Sixth Sense Sound Mod. Now when sixth sense skill is triggered new sound plays and a new icon pops out. This can be a savior for those, who do not pay attention to classical warning.
  • Some small hangar features. Their names do talk for themselves. There are vertical tech tree, in-hanger clock, info panel, two-rowed garage panel.

By the way, let me tell you a couple of words about OMC team. It is one of the biggest gaming communities dedicated to Armored Warfare and World of Tanks in Europe. It started as a small group of enthusiasts. Their activities attracted attention of the public, so community started growing rather fast. Nowadays OMC is a complete interactive complex. It provides weekly streams, tournaments, and, what is really important, creates modpacks that help lots of people improve their gaming results.

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Download OMC Modpack

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(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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